14 Apr Life or Death
I am really getting tired of social distancing! I can’t do the things that are my usual routine. Since I have retired, I have a very relaxed routine but someone once told me that the secret to retirement is to always have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I love to play racquetball. So, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I get up to play racquetball. I thought it would keep me young; but so far, no success! I also love to get up to volunteer at The Christian Center. I work in the kitchen as a below average cook, trying to throw things together that the men like to eat. But more importantly, I get to interact with some really great guys who have made some bad choices in life and who find themselves living together in a community residence, working to get themselves back on their feet so they can go out on their own and try to make better choices. Sometimes it works and sometimes not, and they find themselves back at the Center. That is just how life is. Sometime you make good choices and sometimes you don’t.
But with the coronavirus things have changed. The racquetball has ended because of social distancing, and they have closed their doors. The Christian Center has wisely decided to not allow volunteers to come in. Social distancing has dictated that we are not to get closer than 6-10 feet, and we can not gather in groups more than 10, which takes up a lot of space if you all have to spread out. Our activities are limited to those that are considered essential. It’s a matter of life and death. We have heard that phrase thrown around a lot in the past, but it certainly seems a lot more real right now. Our pastor reminded us this week that Easter is a matter of life or death! Really? I never thought of it that way. Certainly it was for Jesus. That is what Good Friday and Easter is all about. But what about us? The light bulb just went on! It is true for us as well: eternal life or death. Wow, that is real. It puts into perspective all of my complaining about being bored and nothing to do and no where to go in this age of social distancing. This weekend is truly about life and death in a much larger perspective than a virus that can end an earthly life. It forces us to think about the reality of truly throwing yourself at the mercy of Christ and then being held in the comforting arms of His grace. For that we don’t have to worry about the social distancing, and it is an essential service, and we don’t have to hide behind a mask. We can be completely open with Him.
Relax. Although for some of us, that is very difficult. But this will all be behind us one day and racquetball will start back up, as will many opportunities to serve Christ by serving the least of His brothers. But for now, remember that your actions are a matter of life or death.
Rex Teeple