11 Feb Love never returns void
1 John 4:18-There is no fear in love. Perfect love drives out fear.
We often hear the word love in the happenings of our everyday life. It is a word that can mean many different things and be subject to more variables than you can even imagine. Rarely does it mean the same thing to the same person at the same time.
Perhaps the word brings joy as you think about a life full of blessing. It may bring warm feelings as you think of a person who is or was special to you. Maybe it triggers a memory of a time gone by that holds a special place in your heart. Just as often, it summons pain from something or someone lost. An actual void of the very thing we speak of. A what could have been, should have been, or a what will never be.
Regardless of the emotion, phase of life, past or present situations, your Heavenly Father speaks directly to the simplicity of love. How difficult it is to keep things simple! He speaks of perfect love found only in Him. Perfect love that removes all fear and clears the way for a divine connection between people. It is in those simple connections that God does His best work.
When we act out of love for one another, out of the character of our Savior, He takes full responsibility for the outcome. There is no room for our opinion, our qualifications, our measurement of size or quality, or any other emotion to enter. Simply love one another and let Him do the rest.
The simple act of facilitating a divine connection can change this world. We change this world by changing the world of an individual one at a time. Let us all strive to look for the opportunities to connect with someone every day.
God bless,
Wendy Gooding