07 Jun Matthew 25: 35-36 in Action.
“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, 36) I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me.”
We are always looking to follow the simple but powerful principles demonstrated in Matthew 25. Richard Harvey, Outreach Coordinator with The Christian Center Rescue Ministries, shared a recent experience of how we put Matthew 25 verses 35 and 36 into action:
It’s hard to focus when you are hungry. It’s hard to teach when you know your learners are hungry. Adina is the Director at The Crossing in Anderson. An alternative school whose mission aligns with ours at The Christian Center. Adina found that her students were arriving hungry and staying hungry. When they would break for lunch, many students would go home and not come back for the rest of the day. Adina took it on herself to begin providing lunch for her students. This meant preparing 60 meals EVERY WEEKEND to cover Monday and Tuesday while hoping there would be enough left over and/or there was enough food in the pantry to cover the rest of the week. It’s important to note that her program did not cover the cost of the 60 meals she prepared, nor was she compensated for her time. That, my friends, is REAL sacrifice. When Rob Spaulding, our Director at The Christian Center, heard this, he gave me one directive; “Give her whatever she needs.” I was thrilled to be able to go back to Adina and tell her that her days as a chef were over. For the last couple of months our men at The Christian Center have been preparing enough meals to feed the kids at The Crossing Monday-Thursday. This includes a main dish, a side, a vegetable, a salad, and a dessert. Most students attend half days on Friday, but we have provided pantry support for those who choose to eat that day as well. It’s a blessing every day to see people who were broken and hungry feeding kids who are often broken and hungry. The Christian Center will always be a place for hungry people to come to for food. But as God allows, we are thrilled to be able to support hungry people outside our walls. This project has been particularly close to my heart. Thank you to all who sacrifice to help us help others every single day.